Day Services
Ensuring that every person is treated with respect and dignity and that each achieves independence through meaningful relationships and community participation.
Day Services supports people through a variety of daily activities, assisting them in becoming active and contributing members of their communities. Our knowledgeable staff helps people discover what is meaningful; building services and supports into a person-centered plan. Our on-site opportunities include instruction in music and fine arts, culinary skills, job readiness, enrichment and sensory-based activities, continuing education, and health and wellness. When additional supports are needed, clinical services, such as psychological, speech, nursing, occupational, and physical therapy, are available onsite. Professionals in these areas work in partnership with staff to fully support each person.
We provide education and support to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that they can be involved to the fullest extent possible in decision-making throughout their daily lives. We provide a Day Services Self Advocacy Group and focused self-advocacy groups at every location.
Community Volunteer Services
The cornerstone of Day Services is our community volunteer services, providing opportunities for people to build life skills through meaningful experiences. A variety of community-based learning opportunities enhance confidence and independence. The volunteer program lends support to more than 73 organizations and contributes more than 100,000 volunteer hours annually.
Pre-Employment Opportunities
Within Day Services, we prepare people for employment opportunities by helping them develop relevant skills through community volunteer experiences. We also utilize job readiness resources so that each person receives the necessary preparation for all aspects of the employment experience.
Exploring the Community
In addition to participating in volunteer work, we provide opportunities for each person to explore what the community has to offer. We facilitate trips to local museums, libraries, and fitness centers. We attend classes offered in the community such as music and tai chi, and we participate in various outdoor activities and events.
Senior Services
Senior citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities are provided the opportunity to continue to grow by experiencing the rich resources of our community. They attend community-based activities, as well as visit local senior centers with whom we have established partnerships.